Monday, May 28, 2018

Shine Bright June

Whether it's weight loss or jump start your health, you'll love SHRED10

What's SHRED10?

June Events

Join me at one or all of these events!

Thursday, May 31, Free Yoga Papago Park:
We are bringing this back and keeping it free ♥ You know what it is… FREE YOGA, MEDITATION, Slacklining, and MORE!

Saturday, June 2, Time to Thrive with Loren Slocum
9:00 am Orange Tree Resort Phoenix (Free as my guest)

Tuesday and Thursday's Networking with Networking360

Thursday, June 28, Design a Life That You Love
Hear two women and two men  share their story on how they have Designed a life that they love!   
7:00 pm Orange Tree

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Foods to Heal Your Injury

Let’s talk healing.
Fitness Foods to Ease Soreness, Speed Healing
Whether you’re a professional athlete like pro-surfer Kelly Slater or a weekend warrior, chances are you’ve experienced some kind of sports-related impairment, ranging from minor muscle soreness and scrapes to more serious joint problems or fractures.
While most doctors recommend “RICE” – rest, ice, compression and elevation – for the treatment of injuries, the quality of your diet can affect how quickly you heal. Certain Superfoods can cut down on your body’s recovery time by providing the nutrient building blocks needed to repair stressed muscles or calm inflammation.
We’ve researched some of the most common sports injuries, explored the mechanisms underlying symptoms, and have prescribed dietary recommendations to get you back in the game with minimal downtime – so you won’t miss the many benefits regular exercise provides. For simplicity’s sake we’ve separated these into four categories: Inflammation, Muscle Pain, Black & Blue, and Sprains/Fractures. Just PM me for the article.   #healyourbody #transformyourhealth #

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Hello, my name Marivel and I am a Cancer Survivor for the second time. I was blessed to have been introduced to JP+. Along with what chemo did to my body, I also had migraines, depression, insomnia, and arthritis in my left knee and chemo left me with debilitating diarrhea, a weaken immune system and all over body aches. My first cancer was in 2009 and my second was in 2011 and since then I was miserable. For the last four months, I have been taking JP+ and EVERTHING is gone. I am able to leave my house and join the rest of the world with no pain, no tummy issues and I am able to sleep at night without any strong anti-depressants. My son who is Asperger’s had a tough time last year emotionally and would have a hard time sleeping at night. Over the summer we did JP+ and Degas is like a new boy. Homework is so easy, he sleeps all through the night and he can keep it together much better than he used to.
Please share your Testimonials with JP+. Thank you.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Freedom Revolution Zoom with Kathrine and Leslie

Your heart and your mission inspire me. Thank you for sharing your heart!

I can't think of anything more powerful than Mom's on a mission. Please listen as 3 Mom's share their heart and their stories of hope and the desire to change their story, their health and set their families on a new path to health and wellness.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

We are Shedding January 2! Here is my story, how I leaned my body! I am post menopause, and I truly didn't think the Shred10 would work for me! And it did! And I found it to be easy! Like magic, when you stop fighting your body and give it what it needs, everything comes in to balance and letting go of weight becomes easy!

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays!

I am reflecting on 2017 and just beginning to plan my 2018.  I don't know about you, but I am always excited to reflect and make new plans! 2017 is about to be behind me and I am excited about 2018!

I have decided that 2018 is my year to make some dreams come true.  I don't care what it takes! It's time for me and I am going to make it happen. I am willing to work and I am willing to be unreasonable! Pray for me that my resolve lasts more than a day, a week or a month! LOL!

I have found it's better with a buddy! A buddy to root for you, to keep you motivated, to listen to you when you have lost your motivation.

I could use a buddy! If you have goals, if you are up to something this year, please share and please volunteer to be my buddy!

Sherry Fritz

Shine Bright June

Next Shred Group is June 4! Whether it's weight loss or jump start your health, you'll love SHRED10 What's SHRED10?